Electronic medical record (EMR) refers to the electronically recorded information of health of an individual. This information can be gathered, created, managed and consulted by staff and authorized clinicians of a health care organization. These records are useful to provide substantial benefits to all medical staff. This system of recording a patient’s information can improve the quality of a patient’s care, facilitate workflow and ensure safety of the patient.
The use of EMR is a huge improvement in maintaining the medical information of a patient. It allows multiple physicians and related staff to review patient charts. It helps them organize the paperwork, with the flexibility of adding as much information as required and eliminating the problem of illegitimate handwriting.
EMRs are the most effective way to manage chronic ailments, increase the safety of patients and improve the quality of medical practices. These records are also an effective manner of prescribing medication.
Furthermore, government and health care organizers have started to encourage the use of Electronic Medical Records. In the year 2010, the release of “Meaningful use” report made usage of EMR a medical standard. For eligible medical practices, most high quality health care providers and centers use EMRs today.
Benefits of EMR:
Recognizing the significance of EMRs, the Institute of Medicine issued the key safety, quality and care benefits an EMR system supports:
● The health care provider has access to the complete bio data and medical history of the patient, such as lab results, previously used medications, allergies and diagnosis.
● EMRs provide full access to the past and current test results of people conducted at different care settings of a single hospital/clinic.
● Order entry that is computerized.
● Computerized system to manage the medication, reactions, prevention of interactions and improvement of compliance with effective practices.
● Secure communication among health care providers and using the Patient Portal directly with the medical team.
● Patients and those they approve can have access to the information that is recorded about their health to confirm its authenticity via a patient portal.
● Computerized scheduling and administration process.
● Patients can have access to information, resources and possible drug interactions.
● Standard based information reporting and storage for the safety of patient and disease surveillance practices.
Moreover, it allows flexibility of:
Tracking: Tracking data and information of a patient previously admitted in a health care institute.
Identification: Identification of patients due for screenings and preventive visits.
Monitoring: Monitoring the conditions of patients after medication, vaccinations and surgeries.
The information provided by EMRs is between the patient and provider. The personal information of a patient is never shared outside the providers and related staff. Information can be printed on request by the patient only.
We at Senior Medical Associates make use of the technology of the EMR system. Meeting the requirements of healthcare facilities, we assure keeping all the medical data and information of a patient secure, safe and up to date, increasing the flexibility and quality of our health care service.